Sanded artworks

In contrary to other projects, when I was photographing people, I made no portraits this time. I photographed these beautiful artworks created solely by using a sanding technique. Would you like to see some of them?

At first glance, many of the images might look simple. However, once you know how they were done, and how much effort had to be put in, you may see them differently. So how does the technique work?

In the beginning, you can choose from pre-printed templates (for mandalas) or any other images available (with different topics). All these templates are also pre-cut in a way that follows the lines and shapes in the images. Step by step you peel off bits of protective paper and apply fine multi-coloured sand grains, which stick to the sticky surface. You can have a look on a detailed shot in the gallery above, which shows how delicate it could be. If you put too much sand, mess up some neighbouring areas, or make any other mistake, it is nearly impossible to fix it. The grains just stick to the paper. It takes a lot of practise, and enormous amount of patience. On the other hand, the whole process is very relaxing and the results are always rewarding.

For more information or inquiries you may contact Radana Humplikova, the creator of all the artworks displayed. I also got one myself, which you can see in my studio.

Location: studio, Koprivnice (Czech Republic)
Artist: Radana Humplikova,

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